Saturday, April 30, 2005

Podcast #1!!!

It's official! I have just completed my first podcast! My friend Tyler McHenry and I play some of our favorite new punk rock hits. The podcast features:

"Biftek Supernova" by Millencolin, from their album Kingwood
"Poison" by Hot Water Music, from The New What Next
"Bite to Break Skin" by Senses Fail, from Let it Enfold You
"Radio Song" by Hot Rod Circuit, from Reality's Coming Through
"The First Drop" by Rise Against, from Siren Song of the Counter Culture
"Blueprint of the Fall" by Strung Out, from Exile in Oblivion

Hope you enjoy it. Check back for a new podcast next week!

Listen to the podcast here.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Manifesto Radio

As if having my own website, writing a self-centered blog, and constantly pimping my one-man band wasn't enough, I have pretty much decided that I need my own radio show as well. "Podcasting" (broadcasting via the internet, with capability of feeding the show to an mp3 player) has become the new rage and I want in! I have been doing some research on how to get the podcast up and rolling, but I don't really know what kind of weekly radio show I want to produce - music, politics, rantings. Any suggestions? I hope to have something rolling within the next week or so.